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asCodePoints(CharSequence) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the array as code points of specified CharSequence.
at(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the element at the specified index in this array.
at(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the element at the specified index in this array.
at(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the element at the specified index in this array.
at(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the element at the specified index in this array.
average() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the mean value of elements in this array.
average() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the mean value of elements in this array.
average() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the mean value of elements in this array.


boolOpt(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns a bool opt value of specified key.
boxed() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns an object array created by applying boxing to each element in this array.
boxed() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns an object array created by applying boxing to each element in this array.
boxed() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns an object array created by applying boxing to each element in this array.


compare(double, double) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleComparator
Compares A and B along the order of this instance.
compare(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntComparator
Compares A and B along the order of this instance.
compare(long, long) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongComparator
Compares A and B along the order of this instance.
compareTo(Path) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
concat(DoubleImmArray, DoubleImmArray...) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the concatenated array of all specified arrays.
concat(ImmArray<? extends T>, ImmArray<? extends T>...) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the concatenated array of all specified arrays.
concat(IntImmArray, IntImmArray...) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the concatenated array of all specified arrays.
concat(LongImmArray, LongImmArray...) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the concatenated array of all specified arrays.
contains(T) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns whether this array contains the element which is same as specified element.
contains(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns whether this array contains the element which is same as specified element.
contains(long) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns whether this array contains the element which is same as specified element.
contains(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns whether this resources contains the key.
create(Locale...) - Static method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns an I18nResource.
create(Class<?>, Locale...) - Static method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns an I18nResource.
create(Package, Locale...) - Static method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns an I18nResource.
create(String, Locale...) - Static method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns an I18nResource.


derive(String, Locale...) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the new I18nResource derived from this I18nResource.
derive(Class<?>, Locale...) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the new I18nResource derived from this I18nResource.
distinct() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a new array which consists with unique elements.
distinct() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a new array which consists with unique elements.
distinct() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array which consists with unique elements.
distinct() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a new array which consists with unique elements.
DoubleComparator - Interface in minestra.collection
A comparator for natural ordering of primitive double.
DoubleImmArray - Interface in minestra.collection
An immutable array of primitive double.
drop(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops the specified number of elements in this array.
drop(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops the specified number of elements in this array.
drop(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops the specified number of elements in this array.
drop(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops the specified number of elements in this array.
dropWhile(DoublePredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops elements which the specified predicate matches in this array.
dropWhile(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops elements which the specified predicate matches in this array.
dropWhile(IntPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops elements which the specified predicate matches in this array.
dropWhile(LongPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the rest of the array that drops elements which the specified predicate matches in this array.


empty() - Static method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns an empty array.
empty() - Static method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns an empty array.
empty() - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns an empty array.
empty() - Static method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns an empty array.
endsWith(Path) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
endsWith(String) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
eq(double, double) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleComparator
Return true if A is equals to B.
eq(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntComparator
Return true if A is equals to B.
eq(long, long) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongComparator
Return true if A is equals to B.
equals(Object) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
exists(DoublePredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns whether the element which satisfies predicate exists in this array.
exists(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns whether the element which satisfies predicate exists in this array.
exists(IntPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns whether the element which satisfies predicate exists in this array.
exists(LongPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns whether the element which satisfies predicate exists in this array.
extension(CharSequence) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns the extension string of specified path.
extension(Path) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns the extension string of specified path.
extension() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns the extension string of specified path.


filter(DoublePredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the result of filtering the elements of this array by specified predicate.
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the result of filtering the elements of this array by specified predicate.
filter(IntPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the result of filtering the elements of this array by specified predicate.
filter(LongPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the result of filtering the elements of this array by specified predicate.
filterMap(Function<? super T, Optional<? extends R>>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns an array created by applying a function to each of the filtered elements of this array.
find(DoublePredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate from the beginning in this array.
find(DoublePredicate, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate after the specified index in this array.
find(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate from the beginning in this array.
find(Predicate<? super T>, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate after the specified index in this array.
find(IntPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate from the beginning in this array.
find(IntPredicate, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate after the specified index in this array.
find(LongPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate from the beginning in this array.
find(LongPredicate, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns an optional value which satisfies specified predicate after the specified index in this array.
flatMap(Function<? super S, ? extends R>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns an array created by applying a function to each of the elements of flatten this array.
flatten() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the array of elements to which flattened sub-level containers of this array.
fold(double, DoubleBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the result of folding the elements of this array by the specified operator.
fold(T, BinaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the result of folding the elements of this array by the specified operator.
fold(int, IntBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the result of folding the elements of this array by the specified operator.
fold(long, LongBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the result of folding the elements of this array by the specified operator.
forEach(DoubleConsumer) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Performs apply function as an action to each element of this array.
forEach(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Performs apply function as an action to each element of this array.
forEach(IntConsumer) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Performs apply function as an action to each element of this array.
forEach(LongConsumer) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Performs apply function as an action to each element of this array.


generate(int, DoubleSupplier) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a new array of generating with specified size and generator.
generate(int, IntSupplier) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of generating with specified size and generator.
generate(int, LongSupplier) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a new array of generating with specified size and generator.
getFileName() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
getFileSystem() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
getName(int) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
getNameCount() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
getParent() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
getRoot() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
gt(double, double) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleComparator
Return true if A is greater than B.
gt(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntComparator
Return true if A is greater than B.
gt(long, long) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongComparator
Return true if A is greater than B.


hasExtension(String) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns whether this path has specified extension.
hashCode() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
hasNext() - Method in class minestra.file.PathIterator
Returns whether it remains next paths.
head() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the first element of this array if it is not empty.
head() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the first element of this array if it is not empty.
head() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the first element of this array if it is not empty.
head() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the first element of this array if it is not empty.


i(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
This is an alias of integer(String).
I18nResource - Interface in minestra.resource
Internationalization (i18n) resource.
ImmArray<T> - Interface in minestra.collection
An immutable array of T.
indexOf(T) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the index of first element which is same as specified object in this array.
indexOf(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the index of first element which is same as specified value in this array.
indexOf(long) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the index of first element which is same as specified value in this array.
indexWhere(DoublePredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the index of element which is the first match of the specified predicate in this array.
indexWhere(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the index of element which is the first match of the specified predicate in this array.
indexWhere(IntPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the index of element which is the first match of the specified predicate in this array.
indexWhere(LongPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the index of element which is the first match of the specified predicate in this array.
IntComparator - Interface in minestra.collection
A comparator for natural ordering of primitive int.
integer(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the int value of specified key.
integer(String, int) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the int value of specified key.
integerOpt(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the int of specified key.
IntImmArray - Interface in minestra.collection
An immutable array of primitive int.
isAbsolute() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
isEmpty() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns whether this array is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns whether this array is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns whether this array is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns whether this array is empty.
isTrue(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns boolean value of specified key.
iterator() - Method in class minestra.file.PathIterator
Returns an PathIterator as Iterator.
iterator() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString


last() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the last element of this array if it is not empty.
LongComparator - Interface in minestra.collection
A comparator for natural ordering of primitive long.
LongImmArray - Interface in minestra.collection
An immutable array of primitive long.
lt(double, double) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleComparator
Return true if A is less than B.
lt(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntComparator
Return true if A is less than B.
lt(long, long) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongComparator
Return true if A is less than B.


map(DoubleUnaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns an array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns an array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
map(IntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns an array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
map(LongUnaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns an array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a mapped double array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToDouble(IntToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a double array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToDouble(LongToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a double array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToInt(DoubleToIntFunction) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns an int array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToInt(ToIntFunction<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a mapped int array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToInt(LongToIntFunction) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns an int array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToLong(DoubleToLongFunction) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a long array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToLong(ToLongFunction<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a mapped long array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToLong(IntToLongFunction) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a long array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToObj(DoubleFunction<R>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns an object array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToObj(IntFunction<R>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns an object array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
mapToObj(LongFunction<R>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns an object array created by applying a function to each of the elements of this array.
max() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a maximum value as optional in this array.
max() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a maximum value as optional in this array.
max() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a maximum value as optional in this array.
min() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a minimum value as optional in this array.
min() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a minimum value as optional in this array.
min() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a minimum value as optional in this array.
minestra.collection - package minestra.collection
This package contains classes of collection.
minestra.file - package minestra.file
This package contains classes of relating to files.
minestra.resource - package minestra.resource
This package contains classes of relating to resources.


name(Path) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns the name of specified path.
name() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns the name of this path.
NATURAL - Static variable in interface minestra.collection.DoubleComparator
The instance of this comparator.
NATURAL - Static variable in interface minestra.collection.IntComparator
The instance of this comparator.
NATURAL - Static variable in interface minestra.collection.LongComparator
The instance of this comparator.
next() - Method in class minestra.file.PathIterator
Return a next Path.
normalize() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString


of(double...) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(Collection<Double>) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(DoubleStream) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(T...) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a new ImmArray of the specified values.
of(Collection<T>) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a new ImmArray of the specified collection.
of(Stream<T>) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a new ImmArray of the specified stream.
of(int...) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(Collection<Integer>) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(IntStream) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(long...) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(Collection<Long>) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(LongStream) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a new array of the specified values.
of(Path) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathIterator
Returns a PathIterator.
of(Path, int) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathIterator
Returns a PathIterator.
of(Path) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns an instance of PathString.
of(String) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathString
Returns an instance of PathString.


PathIterator - Class in minestra.file
PathIterator privides a find-like feature.
PathString - Class in minestra.file
PathString is an extension of Path and privides features about path string.
PathString(Path) - Constructor for class minestra.file.PathString
product() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the product of elements in this array.
product() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the product of elements in this array.
product() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the product of elements in this array.


random(int, double, double) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the array of values which are generated by Random.
random(int, int, int) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the array of values which are generated by Random.
random(int, long, long) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the array of values which are generated by Random.
range(int, int) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of generating with the specified range.
range(int, int, int) - Static method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of generating with the specified range and the specified step.
reduce(DoubleBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
reduce(double, DoubleBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
reduce(BinaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
reduce(T, BinaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
reduce(IntBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
reduce(int, IntBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
reduce(LongBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
reduce(long, LongBinaryOperator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the result that reduce elements of this array with the specified binary operator.
register(WatchService, WatchEvent.Kind<?>...) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
register(WatchService, WatchEvent.Kind<?>[], WatchEvent.Modifier...) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
relativize(Path) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
replaceCodePoint(char, char) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns new array as code points that this array is replaced by the replacement character.
replaceCodePoint(String) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns new array as code points that this array is replaced by the replacement character.
resolve(Path) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
resolve(String) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
resolveSibling(Path) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
resolveSibling(String) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
REVERSE - Static variable in interface minestra.collection.DoubleComparator
The instance of this comparator for the reversed ordering.
reverse() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns new array which is reversed the order of elements in this array.
reverse() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns new array which is reversed the order of elements in this array.
REVERSE - Static variable in interface minestra.collection.IntComparator
The instance of this comparator for the reversed ordering.
reverse() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns new array which is reversed the order of elements in this array.
REVERSE - Static variable in interface minestra.collection.LongComparator
The instance of this comparator for the reversed ordering.
reverse() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns new array which is reversed the order of elements in this array.


s(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
This is an alias of string(String).
setParent(I18nResource) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Sets an I18nResource as its parent.
size() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the number of elements in this array.
size() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the number of elements in this array.
size() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the number of elements in this array.
size() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the number of elements in this array.
slice(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the slice of this array.
slice(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the slice of this array.
slice(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the slice of this array.
slice(int, int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the slice of this array.
sort() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array in natural order.
sort() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array in natural order.
sort() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array in natural order.
sort() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array in natural order.
sortWith(DoubleComparator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array with specified order.
sortWith(int, int, DoubleComparator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array with specified order.
sortWith(Comparator<T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array with specified order.
sortWith(IntComparator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array with specified order.
sortWith(int, int, IntComparator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array with specified order.
sortWith(LongComparator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array with specified order.
sortWith(int, int, LongComparator) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns new array which is sorted this array with specified order.
startsWith(Path) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
startsWith(String) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
stream() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the stream which consist same elements in this array.
stream() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the stream which consist same elements in this array.
stream() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the stream which consist same elements in this array.
stream() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the stream which consist same elements in this array.
streamOf(Path) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathIterator
Returns a PathIterator as Stream.
streamOf(Path, int) - Static method in class minestra.file.PathIterator
Returns a PathIterator as Stream.
string(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the string of specified key.
string(String, String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the string of specified key.
stringOpt(String) - Method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the Optional string of specified key.
subpath(int, int) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
sum() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the sum of elements in this array.
sum() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the sum of elements in this array.
sum() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the sum of elements in this array.


tail() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns the tail elements of this array if exists.
tail() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the tail elements of this array if exists.
tail() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the tail elements of this array if exists.
tail() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns the tail elements of this array if exists.
take(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out the specified number of from the beginning of this array.
take(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out as many as specified number from the beginning of this array.
take(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out the specified number of from the beginning of this array.
take(int) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out the specified number of from the beginning of this array.
takeWhile(DoublePredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out while specified predicate matches from the beginning of this array.
takeWhile(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out only while the specified predicate matches from the beginning of this array.
takeWhile(IntPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out while specified predicate matches from the beginning of this array.
takeWhile(LongPredicate) - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns a new array of elements that taken out while specified predicate matches from the beginning of this array.
toAbsolutePath() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
toArray() - Method in interface minestra.collection.DoubleImmArray
Returns this array as a native array.
toArray() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns this array as a native array.
toArray(IntFunction<T[]>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns this array as a native array.
toArray() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns this array as a native array.
toArray() - Method in interface minestra.collection.LongImmArray
Returns this array as a native array.
toFile() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
toList() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the list which consists same elements in this array.
toMapWithKey(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the map that is created with each element as value and the key generated by specified generator.
toMapWithValue(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the map that is created with each element as key and the value generated by specified generator.
toRealPath(LinkOption...) - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
toResourceName(Class<?>) - Static method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the resource name which converts from the specified Class.
toResourceName(Package) - Static method in interface minestra.resource.I18nResource
Returns the resource name which converts from the specified Package.
toSet() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns the set which consists same elements in this array.
toString() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
toStringArray() - Method in interface minestra.collection.ImmArray
Returns this array as a native string array.
toStringAsCodePoints() - Method in interface minestra.collection.IntImmArray
Returns the result that this operation converts this array into string, as code points.
toUri() - Method in class minestra.file.PathString
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